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Our Policies
Acceptable Internet Use Policy
Acceptable Internet Use Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [261.7 KB]
Accident and First Aid Policy
Accident and First Aid Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [241.3 KB]
Admissions Policy
Admissions policy - covid update.doc
Microsoft Word document [256.5 KB]
Adverse Weather Policy
Adverse Weather Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [206.3 KB]
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.1 KB]
Animal Health and Safety Policy
Animal Health and Safety policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.4 KB]
Behaviour Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [239.2 KB]
Bereavement Policy
Bereavement policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [351.5 KB]
Caring for Babies and Toddlers
Caring for babies and toddlers.docx
Microsoft Word document [235.4 KB]
CCTV Policy
CCTV Policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [249.0 KB]
Complaints and compliments
Complaints and Compliments Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.7 KB]
Confidentiality Policy and Procedure
Confidentiality Policy and Procedure.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [237.8 KB]
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution with parents and agg[...]
Microsoft Word document [351.9 KB]
Critical Incident Policy
Critical incident policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [236.2 KB]
Data Protection Policy
Data Protection Policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [251.5 KB]
Fee Charging Policy
Fee charging policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [250.0 KB]
Food, drink and nutrition policy
food and drink policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [252.0 KB]
Image Use Policy
Image Use Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [265.5 KB]
Intimate Care Policy
Intimate Care policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.3 KB]
Lock Down Policy
Lockdown Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [235.3 KB]
Lost Child Policy
Lost Child Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.6 KB]
Medication Policy
Medication Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [238.8 KB]
Mobile Phone and electronic device policy
Mobile phone and electronic devise use p[...]
Microsoft Word document [371.1 KB]
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
modern slavery policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [367.8 KB]
No Smoking Policy
No Smoking Policy 2019.docx
Microsoft Word document [233.3 KB]
Outdoor Play Policy
Outdoor play policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.4 KB]
Parents and Carers as Partners
Parents and carers as partners.docx
Microsoft Word document [352.7 KB]
Prevent Duty and Radicalisation Policy
Prevent duty and radicalisation policy.d[...]
Microsoft Word document [369.9 KB]
Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy
Microsoft Word document [402.3 KB]
Safe recruitment of staff policy
safe recruitment of staff policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [237.5 KB]
School Collection Policy
School Collection Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [235.4 KB]
Seperated Family Policy
Seperated family policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [235.4 KB]
Settling In Policy
Settling in Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.9 KB]
Sickness and Illness Policy
Sickness and Illness Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [239.4 KB]
Sleep Policy
Sleep policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [1'001.2 KB]
Social Networking Policy
Social networking policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.6 KB]
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND Policy
Special Educational Needs policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [274.0 KB]
Staff Development and Training Policy
Staff development and training policy.do[...]
Microsoft Word document [234.8 KB]
Student Policy
Student policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [230.5 KB]
Sun Care Policy
Sun care Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [234.9 KB]
Supervison of children Policy
Supervision of children policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [233.9 KB]
Supervision of visitors policy
Supervision of visitors policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [233.2 KB]
Transition Policy
Transition policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [235.4 KB]
Use of Dummies
Use of dummies.docx
Microsoft Word document [351.1 KB]
Visits and Outings Policy
Visits and Outings Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [238.0 KB]
Volunteer Policy
Volunteer Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [365.9 KB]
Whistleblowing Policy
Microsoft Word document [352.9 KB]
Young Worker Policy
Young worker policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [233.7 KB]